China's Earth Magnetosphere Radiation Belt Dynamics Have Made Important Progress

The reporter learned from the China University of Science and Technology on the 26th that the researchers of the university have made important progress in the study of the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetospheric radiation belt, and for the first time confirmed the global radial acceleration of the ultra-low-frequency waves to high-energy electrons in the radiation zone. The latest issue of the internationally renowned academic journal Nature-Communications published the research results online. According to reports, the research team and collaborators of China University of Science and Technology Professor Wang Xiaoming used the high resolution data of the Van Allen detector of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States for the first time to confirm the global radial acceleration acceleration process of ultra-low frequency waves on high-energy electrons in the radiation zone. Great progress has been made in the study of high-energy electron acceleration in the Earth's magnetosphere, the Van Allen radiation belt.

Van Allen radiation zone refers to the two layers of giant "tire-like" high-energy particle radiation layer around the earth in near-earth space. The outer radiation zone contains a large number of electrons whose velocity is close to the speed of light and whose energy is as high as several megaelectron volts. It is distributed in a wide spatial region of 3-8 Earth's radii from the center of the earth. These extremely high-energy electrons are often subject to dramatic changes due to solar activity, and pose serious threats to on-orbit aerospace systems such as military, navigation, communications, and meteorological satellites. Therefore, it is of great scientific and practical significance to study the formation mechanism of high-energy electrons in the radiation belt.

There are two possible formation mechanisms of high-energy electrons in the radiation belt: one is that the ultra-low-frequency waves drive the low-energy electrons toward the earth and accelerate them to the high-energy segment; second, the low-frequency chorus waves directly accelerate the local electrons without changing their relatives to the earth. distance. Previous studies lacked high-resolution observation data and were often limited to geomagnetic storms (earthly global disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field). They generally emphasized the acceleration effect of very-low-frequency chorus waves on electron emission, and could not accurately assess the possibility of ultra-low frequency waves. Acceleration effect.

The research team cooperated with Changsha University of Science and Technology, Peking University, and scientists of many research institutes in the United States. Using the high-resolution data provided by the Van Allen detector, the electron evolution process of the radiation zone during non-magnetic storms was studied. The data show that in the absence of very low-frequency choruses, the ultra-low-frequency waves can periodically adjust the high-energy electron intensity, and within 10 hours, the outer boundary of the outer radiation belt is driven to move 0.3-0.8 Earth radii toward the earth, making The high-energy electrons in the relevant regions have increased by one order of magnitude.

Su Zhenpeng said that the results of the study provide direct evidence for the acceleration of radial propagation of high-energy electrons by ultra-low-frequency wave radial diffusion. It is of great significance for understanding the dynamic behavior of the radiation belt, forecasting the near-space weather environment, and ensuring the safety of aerospace.

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