The patterned thin film with micro-nano multi-level morphology has special liquid-releasing properties and occupies an important position in the fields of self-cleaning, tribology, and corrosion. Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Ningbo University of Science and Technology, Wu Xuedong’s scientific team obtained a gradual change of surface morphology of Ni-P alloy film by electrochemical-chemical co-deposition. This film does not need to be modified by low surface energy substances. Out of super-hydrophobic properties. Recently, the research group has conducted a more in-depth study of the changes in the co-deposition morphologies, and has gained a deeper understanding of the electrochemical nucleation mechanism of the films using data collected and analyzed by the electrochemical workstation.
The addition of a reducing agent in the electrolyte produces depolarization and increases the deposition current. There is a diffusion control zone in the pure Ni thin film deposition process, and there is no corresponding diffusion control zone phenomenon in the co-deposition process. This shows that there are other reactions on the surface of the electrode during the co-deposition process, increasing the current. The electric double layer charging phenomenon that occurs during the initial stage of nucleation of the pure Ni film also disappears during the co-deposition (Fig. 1). This is because the addition of the reducing agent affects the structure of the electric double layer. From the morphological point of view, the pure Ni-P film was deposited with a smooth film-like structure, and the nucleated morphology obtained by the Ni-P co-deposition was a spherical structure. This is due to the electrodeposition of the film during the initial stage of nucleation. Far more than chemical deposition, the nickel ions in the solution will first be reduced to metal atoms under the action of an electric field. The initial deposition, the amount of nickel atoms is not much, so the surface area is larger than the larger dangling bonds, and the catalytic activity is high. It can be used as a reducing agent in the catalytic solution of the catalyst and the metal nickel ions are chemically deposited and deposited around this highly reactive nickel. A spherical structure has formed (Figure 2). That is, the catalyst required for chemical deposition is high activity nickel generated by electrodeposition nucleation. This process leads to the generation of spherical nucleation morphology, which is significantly different from ordinary film-like nucleation.
The film has excellent properties such as super-hydrophobic low contact angle lag, combined with good anti-corrosion performance of the nickel alloy itself, and this patterned film has potential for application in anti-corrosion. At the same time, the presence of patterned topography is not conducive to the adsorption of microorganisms on the surface, and can also be applied to the field of antifouling.
The findings were published in the RSC Advances (RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 27242-27248).
This research work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51475450,51335010), the National Basic Research Project (No.2014CB643302) and the Zhejiang Provincial Innovation Team (No. 2011R50006).
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