The rapid development of the Indian fastener market is worth looking forward to

The fastener industry in India is at a high-speed development stage, and the industrial chain has taken initial shape. More than 70% of fastener manufacturers are concentrated in Ludhiana. Raw materials, molds and consumables, surface treatment, heat treatment, fastener-related equipment, etc. can be found in many local manufacturers. In addition to meeting local demand, Indian fasteners are also exported to Europe, America, the Middle East and other countries. The domestic distributor market in India is still in its infancy, with few professional wholesalers. A competent manufacturer will act as a trader and wholesaler. Due to restrictions on personnel, technology, equipment, and capital, Indian fastener companies have insufficient capacity. In addition to high-end products, some standard products also need to be imported from China. Similarly, fastener production equipment also relies on large imports. In the conversation with Indian fastener practitioners, they learned that they are very familiar with the 2011 Shanghai Fastener Professional Exhibition. In addition to receiving emails, they also learned about the June 16 exhibition from other sources such as the Internet and magazines. About 40 fastener buyers in India will arrive at the Shanghai Fasteners Professional Exhibition in June.  

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