Wallpaper paste and cleaning tips

Wallpaper maintenance

Careful maintenance is the key to extending the life of wallpaper and wall covering. Maintenance also includes maintenance before and after paving.

Before paving

For wallpaper and wall coverings, the relative humidity of the air should be 85% or less, and the temperature should not change drastically. Be sure to avoid the construction in the wet season and on the wet wall. In order to make the wallpaper beautiful and durable, and it is not easy to foam and warp, the treatment of the wall before construction is very important. The wall surface to be wallpapered shall be smooth and free of dirt and dust. Before paving the wallpaper, we recommend that you first apply a layer of polyester paint on the wall to prevent moisture and mildew. Adhesive liquid spilled when pasting wallpaper or wall coverings should be cleaned with a clean towel at all times, especially the seams at the seams should be cleaned. Construction workers are required to keep their hands and tools clean. If they are stained, they should be cleaned with soapy water or detergent.

After paving

After the paving, the doors and windows should be opened during the day to keep the ventilation; at night, the doors and windows should be closed to prevent moisture from entering, and the wallpaper just attached to the wall is prevented from being loosened by the wind, thus affecting the firmness of the sticking. Vacuum the wallpaper and wall covering regularly, and pay attention to changing the vacuum cleaner. Every day, special dirty traces should be erased in time. Water-resistant wallpapers such as iconic wallpapers can be scrubbed with water. After washing, dry them with a dry towel. For water-resistant wall coverings such as Haijibu wall coverings, use rubber or other wiping, or use towels. Wipe these cleaning solutions and wring them out. Usually pay attention to prevent hard objects from colliding, rubbing wallpaper and wall coverings. If the seams in some places are cracked, they should be subsidized in time and they should not be allowed to develop.

Cleaning tips

1. Vacuuming with a vacuum cleaner;

2, dilute the detergent, can also be injected into the sprayer;

3. Spray the cleaning agent on the wallpaper in full;

4, after 10 to 15 minutes of action, the stains are detached from the fiber;

5. While cleaning the wallpaper and wall coverings, use a water absorbing machine to absorb the washed wallpaper and wall coverings;

6, let the wallpaper, wall cloth completely dry, in order to speed up the wallpaper, wall cloth dry, you can start the wallpaper, wall cloth dryer.

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