Wallpaper PK latex paint teach you how to choose

Buying wallpapers also needs to figure out the types of wallpapers. The performance of different wallpapers is quite different. There are many kinds of wallpapers on the surface, but there are two kinds of wallpapers, plain paper wallpaper and plastic wallpaper (including fabric wallpaper, natural material wallpaper, metal wallpaper, etc.).
1, plain paper wallpaper: made of pulp, environmental protection, good air permeability. However, the performance of water resistance and scrub resistance is poor, and the construction is not convenient. Now the water resistance and scrub resistance of some imported papers have been greatly improved, but there is no way to compare with PVC wallpapers.

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Plain paper wallpaper

Plastic wallpaper is PVC wallpaper, divided into ordinary PVC wallpaper and foam PVC wallpaper, PVC wallpaper has the advantage of scrub resistance, you can also do a relatively large three-dimensional shape (foamed PVC wallpaper), relatively strong, construction is also convenient, but Poor air permeability, the biggest drawback is the pollution, especially foamed PVC wallpaper is more serious. Therefore, the choice of wallpaper depends on the use of the environment, in the full-horizontal shop should choose full-paper wallpaper, living room and other places if the amount is not large, you can use some good quality PVC wallpaper. Currently on the market more popular Korean PVC wallpaper.

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Korea PVC Wallpaper

2, shop wallpaper and brush latex paint which is good, great controversy, from the price, it is definitely paving wallpaper expensive, cheaper wallpaper a square meter even with materials also 30-40 yuan, the best price of latex paint It is enough. From environmental protection, the pollution of PVC wallpaper is relatively large, and one smell will know; plain paper wallpaper is better than latex paint, but the pollution of good latex paint is not big, but one thing to note is that pure paper wallpaper is not absolutely pollution-free. The use of printing inks will inevitably lead to heavy metal ions such as lead. It is absolutely irresponsible to say that plain paper wallpaper is absolutely non-polluting. The purest paper wallpaper from air permeability is best; Latex paint is the second; PVC wallpaper is the worst. From the water-resistant and scrub-resistant PVC wallpaper is very good, plain paper wallpaper and latex paint are general, they can only say "can scrub", and never like JS propaganda "resistance scrub." When the smash hits, all three will not work. Latex paint can make up, but the effect of repairing is not good. I can see similar service life, latex paint will change the use of long, but not obvious. From an aesthetic point of view, paving wallpapers has an absolute advantage. Latex paints are unmatched.

3, the standard size of the wallpaper is 52CMX10M, but the Japanese wallpaper is different 92CMX5M, Japanese wallpaper can generally be tailored to buy, if the amount of small and very appropriate. However, the style of Japanese wallpaper is more elegant and rarely used in warm colors. There is a kind of South Korea wallpaper is more individual, the interface is a thick; a thin, thick paste when the pressure on the thin above, the interface is obvious, we do not get used to, but the Koreans think it is normal, pay attention to when buying.

4. It is very troublesome to calculate the amount of wallpaper. The general calculation formula is: room perimeter X wall height / 5.2 + volume = volume used, but generally not enough. The wallpaper loss rate advertised by JS is 10%-17%. From my experience, most cases are larger than this. Because wallpaper loss rate and wall height, wallpaper pattern size, wall complexity, and cutting methods all have a bearing on the wall height, 10% to 17% of the loss is calculated based on the height of the house abroad. The height of the house generally reaches 3 to 3.2 meters, and the 10 meters of wallpaper is cut exactly three quarters. China's housing is generally 2.6 to 2.7 meters high, and there are surpluses in three quarters; the cut is just not enough. I used to think that adding the vertices and the kick line to about 2.5 meters would be just right, but in fact, because of the loss of flowers, this is just not enough. My actual loss is a little more than 30%. There are two ways to reduce the loss, one is to reduce the height of the pavement, it is best to limit the following 2.4 meters; the second is to use straight or plain wallpaper.

5, the roof is generally not paving the wallpaper, construction is difficult, the effect is not good. However, the interface between the roof and the wall is not easy to handle. It is certainly not good to see it. The simple way is to add plaster line. The plaster line is not popular now, but it is not necessary to completely deny it. I think the better method is to not lay wallpapers under the roof of 20 cm, brush latex paint, wallpaper with the waist line above the wallpaper or use hanging mirrors, this treatment can also reduce the height of the shop, reduce losses.

Three trees paint living room wallpaper latex paint house room

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