Application and Necessity of High Purity Nano-montmorillonite in Feed

Introduction: Montmorillonite is a natural layered silicate nanomaterial. Each layer is only 1 nm thick. The particles are small and the specific surface area is huge. Each gram of powder can cover 110 square meters of basketball court-sized digestive tract surface, which can strengthen the mucosa. The role of the barrier; montmorillonite itself has a strong adsorption, strong mold and detoxification factor, can effectively remove a variety of harmful mycotoxins in the feed. Therefore, montmorillonite is widely used as a high-quality mold remover. D75 China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

I. Feed improver d75 China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Due to its unique water swelling, high dispersibility, suspension, thixotropic, lubricity and adsorption, montmorillonite can improve the palatability of feed and improve the looseness of feed, and delay the speed of feed through the digestive tract. Increasing the surface area of ​​the nutrient itself, it also increases the surface area of ​​nutrients in contact with the mucosa of the digestive tract, so that nutrients are absorbed more fully, thereby improving feed utilization. The second is to reduce the moisture in the poultry manure, keep the column dry and reduce the incidence. D75 China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2. Mold and detoxification and intestines d75 China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

According to the cation exchange capacity of montmorillonite and the electronegativity of the non-uniform charge distribution, a hydrated film with polarity can be formed between the smectite crystal layers, and the virus and the pathogen are also very polar. Through the combination of HOH van der Waals force and chemical bond, the virus, germs and toxins produced in the digestive tract are inhaled into the mineral layer, which has strong fixation and inhibition. The adsorbed mycotoxins and bacterial toxins are excreted with feces, reducing The intestinal absorption of these toxins, thereby avoiding damage to animals. A large amount of dispersion in the digestive tract causes the montmorillonite to form a gel, thereby enhancing coverage and protection. And through the combination with mucus glycoprotein, repair and improve the defense function of the mucosal barrier against the attack factor in both quality and quantity. Therefore, it has a good effect on various gastrointestinal inflammations such as diarrhea and dysentery. D75 China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Supplementary minerals and essential elements d75 China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

Animal experiments and Other studies have confirmed that montmorillonite contains a variety of biological elements and trace elements necessary for the growth and development of various animals such as livestock and poultry. In addition to Si and Al, it also contains Fe, Zn, Cu, K, Na. , Ca, Mg, P, I, Se and other macro-elements and trace elements and biologically active substances, which can supplement the substances needed for animal nutrition, and are also components of biological active substances such as biological enzymes and hormones, enabling organisms. Enzyme, hormone activity or immune response changes significantly, or exists in the form of exchangeable ions and soluble salts, which are easily absorbed and utilized by animals. D75 China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

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