Bacteria can provide electricity for small electronic devices as a miniature "wind power plant"

Bacteria can be used as a miniature “wind power plant” to provide power for small electronic devices

Wind power is one of the important components of renewable energy power generation. Recently researchers at Oxford University have proposed a new type of "wind power plant." They claim to use computer simulations to prove that bacteria can simulate "micro-biological power stations" and provide a stable power supply for small electronic devices such as smart phones. The researchers placed a lattice of 64 micro-rotors into a bacterial suspension and found that the bacteria could spontaneously organize together so that the adjacent rotors began to rotate in opposite directions. This is like a simple-structured wind power plant.

Researchers said that this bacteria-driven “wind power station” is expected to provide power for self-assembly and self-powered small electronic devices in the future.

Dr. Amin Doostmohammadi, PhD Department of Physics, Oxford University, said: "The small amount of mechanical energy obtained from these biological systems is invaluable because they do not require input power but can use internal biochemical processes to achieve mobility."

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