Brazilian scientists plan to extract fiber from fruit to make cars

For centuries plant fibres have been used to make paper, but scientists have recently discovered that plants can release ultra-fine nanofibers and that 50,000 nanofibers come together to equal only the diameter of a human hair. At present, Brazilian scientists claim that they plan to extract fiber from these fruits to create a new generation of ultra-strength vehicles.

Scientists believe that in the future this "fruit fiber" material can be used not only for the manufacture of automotive fuselage but also for the manufacture of engine components. This fruit-fiber-reinforced plastic material has now passed tests, and scientists believe it can be used in car manufacturing within the next two years.

According to Dr. Alcides Leao of the State University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, the microfibers extracted from delicious fruits such as pineapples and bananas can further strengthen the plastic and make it superhard.

This plastic material has incredible properties, it is very light, and very hard, 30% lighter than ordinary plastic, high strength 3-4 times. He emphasized that we believe that the use of nano-fruit fiber in the future can produce a large number of automotive parts, including: dashboards, bumpers and side panels. They also help reduce vehicle weight and contribute to fuel savings.

This fruit fiber is very hard, it can also be used to make *** and light weight armor. Fiber-reinforced plastics, unlike ordinary automotive plastic materials, are not affected by heat, spilled gasoline, water, and oxygen.

Ultra-fine plant fibers can also be used to reinforce other materials like glass fibers, and Dr. Leo's use of distinctive fibers makes plastics that are harder, lighter, and more environmentally friendly. Scientists have said that the fiber-recoverable plant is the pineapple of South America. Fiber can be extracted from the leaves and rhizomes of pineapple. In addition, fibers can be extracted from bananas and coconut shells, and sisal fibers can be extracted from agave plants.

Dr. Leo stressed that so far we have focused on alternatives to automotive plastic materials. In the future we may be able to use plant nanofibers instead of steel and aluminum automotive parts. At the same time, reinforced plastics are also potentially used in the medical field, such as artificial heart valves, ligaments and hip joints.

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