How to avoid traps in decoration free quantity room

How to avoid traps in decoration free quantity room

"Free room" transfiguration charges

“First measure a room, we have free housing.” Facing the passionate recommendation of a decoration company, many owners will be tempted. Since there are free rooms, there is no loss in the number of rooms, and you can also shop around, so the owners are pleased to accept the company's free housing service offer. The results of all the measurements were revealed, and the owners also gave a rough account of their own vision of home. Afterwards, when it is time to see the plans, the owner will be required to pay a deposit of 200 yuan first. When the contract is signed, the deposit can be offset against the renovation project. If you are not satisfied, you can return the deposit. If you later decide to give up your cooperation and request a refund of the deposit, the decoration company will only promise to withdraw 100 yuan, and another 100 yuan will be the cost of the room, because the cost of the room will also be used. Afterwards, it was only considered that the “free room” was an oral promise and there was no basis for it.

Business: "Free room" paid for labor

The decoration is carried out in accordance with the process of deposit, free housing, free design, budget quotations, and signing contracts. At present, some small and medium-sized decorating companies have referred to “free housing” before the “deposit deposit”. This change has a certain temptation for the owners, because the owners want to compare the quality of service and design of each decoration company or construction team before the renovation. However, free housing is not a "free lunch," and the ensuing payment is to pay a deposit. “The integrity of the business is reflected in whether or not to collect the deposit before the amount of room to tell consumers.” Experts said that many “Yemao” decoration teams and small decoration companies are also calling the banner of free homes near the owners. Once it has not been selected for decoration, it is necessary to ask the owner for the cost of the room. Such "free room" is a deceitful way.

The owner believes that on-site housing is the only way to design, but if you do not see a satisfactory design rendering, you will have to pay for the house, making it difficult for many owners to accept. Some homeowners plan to build their own homes, but the construction team does not agree because of concerns that the data measured by the owners is not accurate enough. Some other owners believe that the preparatory work for interior decoration such as the amount of rooms is relatively simple, one or two people can complete, not much time spent, the construction party should bear the cost of the amount of room to pay.

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