Li Lianjie exposed 200 million villas at home and abroad

Jet Li’s mansion is located at Huamu Road and Luoshan Road in Pudong, Shanghai. It is rumored that this land was bought by his wife Li Zhi 10 years ago. It was originally very desolate. As the economy took off, it is reported that the land has risen more than a hundredfold. Li Zhi is very precise.

Jet Li’s domestic and foreign luxury home exposure

Li Lianjie exposed 200 million villas at home and abroad

Jet Li’s mansion is located at Huamu Road and Luoshan Road in Pudong, Shanghai. It is rumored that this land was bought by his wife Li Zhi 10 years ago. It was originally very desolate. As the economy took off, it is reported that the land has risen more than a hundredfold. Li Zhi is very precise.

Since Shanghai was the hometown of Li Zhi, Jet Li began building a palace-like mansion in the land six years ago and became his new home with Li Zhi and his two daughters.

According to the report, Jet Li's luxury homes are arranged in fonts.

Star home villa decoration villa design window house villa villa area

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