Special fertilization technology

Cherry tomatoes: In addition to applying nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, calcium and boron fertilizers should be added. The production of 1 ton of cherry tomatoes requires 3.85 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.15 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 4.44 kg of potassium oxide. Before planting, apply 5000 kg of organic fertilizer per acre, 200 kg of bio-organic compound fertilizer, 50 kg of urea, 30-50 kg of potassium perphosphate, 40 kg of potassium sulfate, 100 kg of calcium fertilizer and 1.5 kg of borax. Generally, when the first ear fruit begins to expand, the first top dressing is started, and 5 kg of pure nitrogen and 6 kg of potassium oxide are applied to the mu; the second top dressing is when the first ear is about to be harvested and the second ear is swollen. Apply 5 kg of pure nitrogen and 6-7 kg of potassium oxide; the third top dressing will apply 4 kg of pure nitrogen and 5-6 kg of potassium oxide when the second ear is about to be harvested and the third ear is swollen.
Colorful pepper: Its growth requires sufficient nutrient conditions. The production of 1 ton of colorful pepper requires 4.2 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.1 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 6.5 kg of potassium oxide. At the same time, an appropriate amount of calcium fertilizer is needed. Before planting, 4,500 kg of organic fertilizer, 150 kg of bio-organic compound fertilizer, 50 kg of urea, 25 kg of superphosphate, 50 kg of potassium sulfate and 100 kg of calcium fertilizer were applied. At the end of the seedlings, when the first ear grows to the size of the walnut, the first top dressing is applied, and 5 kg of pure nitrogen and 6 kg of potassium oxide are applied to the mu; the first ear fruit (men pepper) is about to be harvested, and the second layer of fruit (pair of pepper) ) and the third layer of fruit (four mother buckets) continue to expand and the third layer of fruit is falling and fruit set, for the peak season of the need for fertilizer, the second top dressing should be applied, the application of pure nitrogen 6 kg, potassium oxide 7 - 8 kg; the third top dressing was carried out about half a month later, and the amount of fertilizer applied was the same as the second time; after 15-20 days, the fourth top dressing was carried out, and the amount of fertilizer applied was the same as the first time.

Source: Qinghai Science and Technology News
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