Fingerprint access control lock CAD legend sharing, fingerprint access control system legend installation diagram at a glance. The access control CAD legend refers to the CAD illustration of the access control system, including the access control controller legend and the fingerprint access control lock CAD installation sample. This article will share some basic legends, mainly for the installation of fingerprint access control locks, in which each symbol is marked in detail. It is a sample production drawing of a fingerprint access control lock, and users who need to know can access the specific content.
Fingerprint Access Lock CAD Drawing Sample List
Fingerprint access control is an access control system that uses fingerprint identification instead of mechanical keys to unlock and unlock. It can be unlocked by using a finger to input matching fingerprints. It is safer and more efficient than other access control systems, and is unique in the biological characteristics of human fingerprints. It can be used to prevent theft and cheating. The performance is even better.
Fingerprint access control system installation is mainly hardware cooperation, the hardware part is composed of a microprocessor, fingerprint identification module, liquid crystal display module, keyboard, real-time clock / calendar chip, electronically controlled lock and power supply.
The general fingerprint access control installation CAD drawing is divided into two formats, which can be opened with CAD and CAXA software. Fingerprint access control system is a common type of access control and attendance system, which is widely used in various scenes in various industries.
The fingerprint access control lock CAD illustration includes all parts of the fingerprint access control system: door opening button, card reader, fingerprint identification, etc. After drawing the legend by CAD, it is recommended to mark each part with text.
Fingerprint Access Lock CAD Legend Installation Instructions1. The access controller's equipment box is fixedly mounted on the inner wall. The weak electric pipe has weak electric lines leading to the installation points of the equipment; the construction staff needs to put the equipment box, the box line, and the lines to the card reader, door lock and door magnetic. Installed in place;
2. When the equipment is installed, Party A must coordinate with the relevant professional to cooperate with the door frame and door leaf;
3. When constructing civil works, it is necessary to cooperate with the construction of pre-embedded pipes and junction boxes. The piping path shall be determined according to the site conditions;
In case of special circumstances (obstacles, underground conditions), the installation location can be adjusted as appropriate, depending on the site construction conditions.
The above is the fingerprint access control lock CAD installation example issued by the smart lock China Network Xiaobian finishing Internet free sharing resources, more attention to fingerprint access control installation design issues, please pay attention to this site column.
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