Summer water consumption mad increase water-saving sanitary ware to help you save water

Introduction: The amount of water used in the summer will increase greatly. How can we meet the needs of life and do everything we can to save water? For friends who want to decorate their new home, in terms of choosing sanitary ware, consider products with water-saving features that will not only contribute to the environment; they will also save a lot of water for themselves in the long run.

Brand shop: Rocca bathroom

Jet siphon-type toilet, it uses 3/4 liters dual-file water-saving flushing, unique drainage and pipe drainage technology also makes this toilet has a good flushing force. In addition, the toilet has a self-cleaning glazed finish and the silent walk-down cover is designed for families with elderly and children.

Sanitary ware purchase faucet decoration design home decoration

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