An expert from the Moscow State University of Nuclear Energy Research Institute (MEPhI) of Moscow State University of Engineering for Engineering has improved the synthesis of complex oxides to obtain the best performance for a wide range of widely used materials, ranging from substrates for processing radioactive waste to fire-retardant ceramic coatings. For aircraft engine and turbine engine heat-resistant coating and many other fields.
In order to obtain information on the structure reorganization of the anions and cations of the substances, the researchers combined X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and synchrotron radiation, and also used other methods to analyze the samples.
Researchers believe that obtaining the best properties of complex oxides and obtaining different applications in practice is very important. In addition to the use of new materials as thermal barrier ceramic coatings, radioactive waste disposal, and the construction of solid oxide fuel element substrates, the resulting materials can also be used to make nuclear reactor neutron absorber materials.
Heilongjiang Junhe Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd ,